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5 Tips to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs

There are some skin conditions, that aren't quite dangerous, but look quite unattractive and ugly, to mention the smallest amount . one among them is Strawberry legs. Heard it for the primary time? Maybe you too are experiencing it, but are unaware of the term used for it.


Strawberry legs are nothing but the presence of small dark spots beneath the skin, that resemble strawberry seeds. they're nothing but the hair which couldn’t grow completely, trapped beneath the skin. These can also have bacteria, and oil residue which may cause slight problems to your skin.
The legs having such condition, look unattractive and thus can lower our confidence a touch , when the legs are exposed. Though these look and feel unattractive, we will get obviate it, by some best home remedies. Here are 5 Tips to urge obviate Strawberry Legs.
First, of, let’s check out the symptoms of Strawberry Legs
Black spots on the surface of the skin
Reddish/ blackish bumps on the skin
Clogged pores, rough and dry skin

1. bicarbonate of soda 
Baking Soda acts as an anti-inflammatory also as an exfoliating agent. It prevents skin from inflammation and also exfoliates it by preventing it from becoming dry.
Here may be a quick remedy with bicarbonate of soda which will assist you get obviate strawberry legs.
You will need:
Baking soda
Mix baking soda and water so on form a semi-liquid paste.
Apply it generously on your legs
Let it dry, and rinse it off with cold water.
Do this exercise a day , to ascertain effective results.


Exfoliation helps in removing the dead cells, grime, and dirt from underneath the skin. And this has proven to be quite helpful in getting obviate strawberry legs too.
You will need:
Olive oil 2 spoons
Brown sugar 2 spoons
Clove oil 2-3 drops
Mix all the ingredients during a bowl
Wash your legs, and pat them dry
Apply this mixture on your legs and gently rub them.
Rinse it off after 10 minutes of gentle massage.
Repeat this every alternate day, ideally before taking a shower 


Sea Salt is full of minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. the shortage of which may cause our skin to become dry and itchy. Sea Salt boosts your skin with natural elements that are rich for restoring your skin.
You will need:
1/2 cup sea salt
1/2 cup copra oil 
Mix sea salt and copra oil and form a thick paste
Apply this on your skin
Rub it gently with a washcloth, more like scrubbing
Wash it off
Do this exercise twice every week for best results.


Tea tree oil and jojoba oils are known to possess anti-inflammatory properties and help keep skin healthy.
You will need:
2-3 drops of tea tree oil
1 spoon jojoba oil
Mix both the oils and apply it evenly on your legs
After rigorous massaging, rinse it off with water.
Use this remedy nightly before bedtime.
tea tree oil


Buttermilk may be a rich source of carboxylic acid , which may be a great element keep the skin healthy and supple, eliminating dark spots
You will need:
1 cup buttermilk
1 bucket water
Run a bath, and add the buttermilk thereto 
Soak yourself within the bath in order that you get the utmost benefits of it.
Shower as was common 
Practice this a day , so on avoid clogged pores.

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